Morphology Excercises

Author: Administrador / Etiquetas:

1. Identity the component morpheme (s) of each word. How many morphemes does each word contain?

1. alligator
2. calmly
3. running
4. blindness
5. stapler
6. bargain
7. regrouping
8. undeniable
9. assertion
10. certainly
11. corner
12. prepay
13. tighten
14. staying
15. dislocation
16. smarten
17. ladylike
18. suddenly
19. purposeful
20. dislocate

2. Isolate the affixes in each of these words and state whether each is prefix or suffix.

1. depose
2. readily
3. active
4. behead
5. action
6. repackage
7. unchanged
8. forcefully

3. For the following words, identify all roots (base words).

1. dragged
2. deactivated
3. impossible
4. thumbtack
5. hopefully
6. unassuming
7. redness
8. racketeers
9. cloudiness
10. exceptionally


Problem I: Use (a) your own knowledge of English and (b) the notion “consistent match between meaning and form” to say if you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Statement: the item spelled “er/or” is the same item in all of the words, in all three lists.

List # 1: taller, shorter, greener, higher, lower, sweeter, smarter
List # 3: mower, teacher, sailor, farmer, caller, operator
List # 2: never, cover, finger, either, river, candor, other, valor

Problem II: Do the same, using the following data:

List # 1: soften, harden, sweeten, whiten, strengthen, lengthen, widen, deepen, redden, blacken, weaken
List # 2: given, taken, eaten, broken
List # 3: oven, open, coven, leaven, ramen, even, often, sudden

Statement: the item spelled “en” is the same item in all of the words, in all three list

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